Andy Draper will be holding 2021 Rule Interpretation Clinics on line via Zoom meetings.  As in year's past all Chapter Rules Interpreters MUST attend one Rule Interpretation meeting for the upcoming 2021 Spring Baseball Season.  There will be more specific information sent to each Chapter in the beginning of March regarding log in/sign in information.
Here are the interpretation dates/times:
Saturday March 20th 10am and 3pm 
Sunday March 21st 10am and 3pm 
Andy anticipates 30 minutes of a presentation and then he will allow time for a Q&A session. Chapters can attend any of the 4 meetings to provide as much flexibility as possible.
The meetings are open to everyone but our primary focus is to make sure the Rules Interpreters from each Chapter attend at least one meeting. The purpose of the meetings has always been to explain the rules to the local interpreters so they can bring the information back to their local membership. If more people wish to attend than what one Zoom meeting can currently handle (250 people), then we will have to address it accordingly.