By NFHS on November 22, 2016

2-32-2c: Clarified when a base runner can slide through home plate in a straight line.

3-2-2 PEN: Clarified when a coach-assisted runner is declared out.

3-3-1 PEN: Developed a three-step process when administering disciplinary action to a player(s) or coach(es) for inappropriate behavior on the bench and in the field.

6-2-6: Clarified that the pitching restriction is based on number of pitches thrown.

8-3-6: Clarified when an umpire hinders the actions of the catcher in a defensive attempt and how baserunning awards are administered.

8-4-2s: A companion rule to support the above-mentioned 3-2-2 PEN modification regarding coaches’ and players’ conduct.

Points of Emphasis

  1. Correct use of authenticated marked baseballs
  2. Umpires asking assistance from partner on call
  3. Positioning of team personnel
  4. Legal slides